
Thursday, March 21, 2019

The Common Cold :: essays research papers

The public cold has been plaguing humanekindsince the beginning of human existence. Even inthese advanced times, there is no vaccine or cure. at that place ar many symptoms that accompany thecommon cold. Some of these notorious symptoms ar a runny nose, caused by inflammation of thenasal tissues, resulting in over production of mucusto trap the computer virus, and coughing. there are 2different kinds or types of coughs that arecommon with colds. The first, is the less common ironical hacking cough, these kinds are more likely tokeep you up at nighttime and just plainly annoy youthan do any thing else. The former(a) more commontype of cough is the kind whose purpose is to unloose mucus and or phlegm. These help to combatthe cold by constituent to expel the mucus that has thevirus trapped in it. Other symptoms complicate a slighttingle or tickle in the indorse of the throat that usuallyturns into a sore throat and sneezing. Both of thesesymptoms are was for your body to help expelphlegm or mucus from the body. othersymptom is swelling of the face and or neckusually come with by pain around the eyes,nose, and forehead. This pain and swelling iscaused by the origin of the virus into yourupper respiratory tract, therefore causing mucus twist up in your nasal passages and then in yoursinuses causing them twain to become impacted.Many people complain of hoarseness, aches andpains in their joints, fever of slightly 101 degrees,and general aches and pains all over their bodies(Anthanasoid). There are at least two hundreddifferent kinds of viruses that are known to causewhat is known as the common cold, and anunknown turning of undiscovered causes (Nourse56). The virus who is usually responsible for acold is called a rhinovirus, and it accounts foraround thirty to fifty percent of all colds that afflictthe giving part of the human population. The virusthat is secondly responsible for most commoncolds, is called a coronavirus, and it is onlydifferent for m a rhinovirus by a margin of fewselect proteins in its molecular structure. Therhinovirus is so clear that it can only be measuredin milimicrons, one milimicron is about1/25,000,000 of an inch, that means that aboutfive hundred rhioviruses can encounter on the point of apin. That fact makes the rhinovirus and thecoronavirus categorized in the ordinary territory.The virus cannot reproduce by itself. In factscientists cannot even influence whether to classify itas an animal or a plant, because it is so primitive.To reproduce, the virus must first latch onto anearby cell and come in its genetic makeup into the

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